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We had to get out of Dodge this weekend for a whole series of reasons, so my Mom invited us...

Ask My Readers: Composition and Rhetoric Programs

A new correspondent writes: I graduated from (Elite SLAC) two years ago as an English major with a concentration in...

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Reason #456 we need to hire the next generation of administrators, from an actual conversation I had this week with...

Well, That Was Quick...

It's easy to underestimate the impact of sex scandals. According to this article from the Albany (NY) Times-Union, Governor Paterson...

Academe and Parenthood

Over at IHE, there's a story glossing two new studies that suggest that academics are less likely to have kids...


In a conversation with one of my department chairs this week, addressing a move we're considering making to respond to...

Compromise and Precedent

Money shortages create all manner of frictions. Say you have a large group that believes, with varying levels of truth...

Another Kind of Resource

This semester, I think my cc has set a new internal record for public presentations. We've been staging talks on...