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Return of The Niece

The four of us made a trek to the Middle of Nowhere, to a cabin with my Mom, my brother...

Ask the Administrator: Sixty Days

A midwestern correspondent writes: I'm starting a new full-time job next month, and I'm really excited about it. But my...

Craft and Evidence

I've been chewing on Shop Class as Soulcraft, Matthew Crawford's explanation of how the spiritual enervation that came from working...

Another Successful Prediction

They say that a prophet is never appreciated in his own country. That said, this article from IHE certainly rang...

Ask the Administrator: In a Holding Pattern

A new correspondent writes: I’m writing you for advice because recently I’ve run into a brick wall in my job...

Ask the Administrator: Social Media and Academic Careers

A new correspondent writes: With the exponential growth in use of social networking, in what ways do sites such as...

Suing the Alma Mater

Several alert readers sent me links to this story, about a new graduate who is suing her alma mater (of...

Ask the Administrator: The Financial Panopticon

A new correspondent writes: I recently applied and received an offer for a full time faculty position at the cc...