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Just Say No?

Tenured Radical has a wonderful post up about saying 'no' to excessive service requests. It's a thoughtful piece, and it...

First Day Haiku

To the parking gods:Forgive us, for we know notwhat students will do. Yes, I know that you"don't need no English...

Swine Flu and Attendance Policies

My friend Lesboprof is fighting the swine flu, which I imagine is no fun at all. Apparently, her Uni has...

Ask the Administrator: Thinking About Crossing Over

A returning correspondent writes: After five years, I am resigning from my tenure-track position in a humanities field. My book...

If Stephen Colbert Did the Annual Kickoff Meeting...

(in the style of "The Word") Faculty and distinguished colleagues, (Slide: "And the undistinguished among you, too...") welcome back from...


Keeping with the amusement park theme from yesterday (variations on a theme park?), most of yesterday was devoted to a...


Fans of roller coasters know that feeling when you're getting to the very top of a steep hill, and the...

Ask the Administrator: The Smackdown

A longtime correspondent and fellow administrator asks: Is there any time when a public smackdown of a campus victim bully...