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As the family and I settle in for a much-needed Christmas break, I just want to thank my wise and...

Ask the Administrator: Is This the Job I Want?

A foreign correspondent writes: I've been in and out of academia in my career in the creative sector, firstly with...


I read somewhere that 90 percent of acting is casting. The idea was that plenty of actors are capable of...

Ask the Administrator: What Makes a Good Dean of Students?

An occasional correspondent writes: I've applied for a dean of students position for which I know I'm unusually well-qualified and...

Chestnuts, Roasting in an Open Blog...

A new correspondent writes: I'm in the market for for an administrative position in higher ed, and as I've been...

Still Gets to Me

TW has commented, correctly, that part of the reason I'm suited to academic administration is that I'm prone to repressing...


You know you're grading on a curve when settling to pay out only $78 million causes your stock to go...

Ask My Readers: Getting Out of Dodge

A longtime correspondent writes: Something that may spark some responses from your readers. One of the things about our campus...