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Ask the Administrator: Does Anybody Really Enjoy This?

A new correspondent writes: I’m now serving (on an interim basis) as director of a small program at a university...

Cluster Hiring

A few years ago, during the brief window when there was money, a few colleges engaged in 'cluster hiring.' As...

Remains to be Seen? A Response to Marketplace

As regular readers know, I listen to Marketplace podcasts faithfully. But this story nearly made me drive off the road...

Ask the Administrator: How to Talk to a Dean?

A Canadian correspondent writes: My husband and I have to go talk to the dean at our local college regarding...

What Are You Going to Do With That?

One of the saving graces of working at a community college is that I don't hear the dreaded "what are...

Ask the Administrator: How the Hell Do I Break In (and Out)?

A frustrated correspondent writes: I just stumbled across your blog and thought it would be worth a shot hearing someone...

Saving Alma Mater

As part of my bury-myself-in-books break, I finally got the chance to read Saving Alma Mater, by James Garland. Garland...

Back in the Saddle Again

I hope your Christmas break was restorative. A few highlights of ours: --The Boy scored his first gametime basket! As...