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Are Green Jobs the New Metric System?

A few years ago I mentioned my bewilderment at why the failure of the push to adopt the metric system...

Countercyclical Hiring and Flight Risk

Too many of the arguments I've read and heard for hiring more full-time faculty rely on moralistic appeals. The idea...

Ask the Administrator: Jobs in Education Reform

A dispirited correspondent writes: I'm wondering if you have any words of advice for those of us who are interested...

Wisdom and Knowledge

In ninth grade, I had a wonderful, high-energy social studies teacher whose favorite exhortation was "wisdom and knowledge!" He'd usually...

Another Upside to the Recession

I've mentioned before that one upside to the Great Recession may be that it finally puts to rest the myth...

Ask the Administrator: Second Master's, or Ph.D.?

A new correspondent writes: I have a dilemma. I currently writing my thesis for a MS degree (industrial management). My...

Space Invaders

Like so many other public colleges, mine is reducing personnel to match reduced budgets. (To its credit, it isn't reducing...

Ask the Administrator: Student Appeals

A new correspondent writes: I am Nursing faculty at a community college, in only my 2nd year in the academic...