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Local Control?

I know I'm supposed to believe that standardization, state or national rules, or anything beyond local control is of the...

Thoughts on the Alabama Shooting

Every time I hear about a shooting on a college campus, I wince. This one was especially surprising, given that...

Ask the Administrator: No Exit?

An off-the-beaten-path correspondent writes: I graduated from Public U. back in 2008 and since then I have been a yellowpages...

Attack of the Blob?

The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a few pieces this week on for-profit higher education. They're revealing and thought-provoking, though...

Charging for Quality

There's a thoughtful discussion over at Dr. Crazy's about full-time faculty workload. (The post was a response to Tenured Radical's...

Thoughts on Louis Menand's 'A Marketplace of Ideas'

I read Menand's new book on the kindle app on my ipod touch, which means that I don't have page...

Ask the Administrator: Is Working at a CC the Kiss of Death in Academia?

A longtime reader writes: I'm hoping you and your readers can offer some input. I'm on the cusp of receiving...

The Times Whiffs Again

Several alert readers sent me links to this article from the New York Times. It's a weirdly chipper "pick up...