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First Thoughts on "Frontline"

Last night "Frontline" did a show on for-profit higher education. It was a disappointing episode in many ways. First, and...

Ask the Administrator: Hiring Without Searching

A cagey correspondent writes: A former colleague of my husband (at another college) tells my husband that she was just...

The Girl Plays T-Ball

This Saturday The Girl had her first t-ball game. T-ball, for the uninitiated, is a version of baseball in which...

Ask the Administrator: Hiring Earlier in the Cycle

A new correspondent writes: I work in an English Department at a mid-sized community college and currently chair a search...

PowerPoint Hates Freedom

A few weeks ago, I aired out some thoughts on webinars and their seemingly endemic suckitude. This week, several alert...

The Dog that Didn't Bark

Mid-April to Mid-May is always the hardest time of year. All of the end-of-year stuff comes to a head at...

After the Peak

This piece in the Chronicle got me thinking about Presidents and Vice Presidents I've worked under who had stayed on...

Breaking Even

I had a good discussion last week with a well-meaning professor who wanted to know why the minimum enrollment to...