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Rethinking Skype Interviews

Last week’s piece in IHE by “Young Philosopher” about replacing first-round conference interviews with Skype interviews has stuck in my...

Not Achieving the Dream

Achieving the Dream is an initiative sponsored by the Lumina Foundation and spearheaded by one of my personal heroes, Kay...

Pep Talks

This one is both a confession and a thank you. Every once in a while, the level of toxicity in...

Conversations I Never Hear

I overhear a fair amount of student conversation, just walking the hallways and occasionally eating in the cafeteria. Words I...


Actual conversation from last night, at the kitchen table. The Girl is writing out her Valentine’s Day cards, and The...


I’ll skip yet another weather-related rant, except to use it as a metaphor. Those of us in chilly climes know...

Confetti on the Table

- Twitter’s coverage of the revolution in Egypt has been revelatory. Jillian York (@jilliancyork) has singlehandedly done a better job...

Thoughts on "Academically Adrift"

Still marooned by snow -- seriously, guys, the bloom is off the rose -- I had the chance to devour...