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Bad Female Academic: On Being Myself, Redux

What do we really mean when we say that we're being ourselves?

Now You See It: Gamification of FYC?

Games are fun and educational. But can they be used in First-Year Composition?

How To Be Fearless, or What Are You So Afraid Of?

Creating safe space to fail and be fearless for my kids. How can we create those same space in higher education?

Bad Female Academic: I Want to be Bad

Being a good girl has gotten me this far, but to go any further, I'll have to figure out how to be bad.

The In-Between Academic

I'm not a PhD student anymore, but I'm not full faculty, either.

Talking About Teaching Failures

We need more dialog about our teaching failures, including how we define failure in the classroom.

What Are They Doing in High School? An Invitation

An invitation to a Twitter chat between high school English teachers and first-year composition teachers.