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What I'm Choosing to Do on My Summer Vacation

I had an epiphany: killing myself working isn't good for anyone, least of all me.

Subprime Faculty?

Are women really less committed to academia?

Notes From an Academic Nobody

Being told what's best for me and my students, in this case when it comes to MOOCs because, well, who am I?

On Spousal Appointments

From the perspective of a trailing spouse who is tired of constantly being assumed to be "less than."

Summer Vacation, Part II

A few weeks in, and still no rest for the wicked.

Anatomy of a Disastrous PhD Experience

Ask and ye shall receive. What happened during my PhD.

True Stories from Grad School

It's two very different stories about graduate school and the subsequent job hunt. Which one is more representative?

This is NOT a Game

Why it's not a good idea to make certain things (like the academic job search) into a game.