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One of 500

I received a rejection letter today for a job that had over 500 applicants. So much for the "meritocracy" of higher education.

The "Break" - Week 1 Highlights

The first installment of "What I Did on my Summer Vacation."

Research: It Starts with a Feeling

Can we talk about our feelings, hunches, or instinct about our research openly?

What I'm Doing on My Summer 'Vacation'

We know that summer vacation is anything but for us. I really wish I could take a real vacation, but instead, I'll be writing.

Worn Down

The emotional labor necessary to do all my jobs has finally caught up with me.

Adjuncts and Alt-Ac?

Graduate programs and institutions are beginning to offer professional development opportunities that prepare grad students for alt-ac careers. I once again ask, what about the adjuncts?

Where Do We Get the News?

In this 24-hour breaking news cycle age, where do we go to introduce the news to our kids?

Deferred Maintenance: It’s No Joke

What happen when one of your buildings goes down at the end of the semester? The issue of deferred maintenance when it directly impacts teaching and learning.