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Shifts in Social Sharing Require Nimble Strategies

Social media strategists know they need to be nimble to keep up with evolution in the various platforms we rely on for engagement. Now’s the time to prepare for less engagement on Facebook and Twitter as audience information seeking and sharing changes.

What’s in a Strategy?

I talk a lot about the importance of marketing strategy. In an environment with limited resources – and let’s face...

Where to Start With Digital Marketing

Higher education communications professionals need to understand and apply digital marketing as part of their toolkit in order to stay...

The Relevance of Style

Sweating your brand’s small stuff for consistency and credibility.

Media Waits for No One

Digital platforms and channels offer marketers jaw-dropping opportunity for efficiently targeting and managing your media campaigns. But are your approval protocols and business operations compromising your media strategy’s success?

For Now, Facebook Remains the Primary Social Network for Higher Ed

But as a result of recent changes at Facebook, higher ed social media strategists will have to work harder for their content to reach stakeholders

Balancing Act

How, if and when to push good news during a crisis