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Tarleton Blazes Path for Part-Time Transfer Student Success

By working closely with community colleges and offering more stable financial aid, Tarleton State University is simultaneously addressing affordability, access and outcomes.

Using the Past to Guide the Future

Texas turns to past studies to illuminate strategies for supporting transfer students and contextual considerations that are still relevant today.

It Takes a Village (or an Entire State) to Transform Transfer

In just over two years, Transfer Virginia leaders have taken key steps to reform and improve the transfer experience in the state to bring about measurable progress on student success and equity.

What Community College Students Tell Us About Transfer

Producing better transfer outcomes requires community college leaders to better understand how transfer supports are currently embedded in the student experience.

The Invisibility of Transfer Students

Interviews with enrollment managers and CFOs reveal insights: “Most of the accountability metrics are focused on first-years, and so [transfers] are kind of hidden. They come and go without much impact.”

Understanding the Needs of Today's Student

Higher education leaders need to understand the barriers and enablers of the transfer student experience, then do the work to create an environment aimed at giving credit where credit is due.

Paving an Efficient Transfer Pathway to a Bachelor’s Degree

San Antonio College has built a comprehensive transfer system that gets and keeps students on track with clear pathways to a bachelor’s degree and strong connections with four-year institutions.

From California to Connecticut: Building the Will to Untangle Community College Transfer

Six ways stakeholders should prepare to tackle their transfer policy push.