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Building Better Global Pathways and Strengthening Transfer Advising

Solving for transfer means solving for overall global credit mobility.

From Community College to Highly Selective Institutions: Bridging the Transfer Gap

Unpacking the elements of a whole-of-higher-education approach to transfer.

Maryland’s 2+2 Transfer Scholarship: A Preliminary Analysis

How Maryland is using a scholarship to support transfer students.

Maximizing Human Systems in Transfer

Policy alone can’t remove the barriers facing today’s transfer students.

Lessons From a Decentralized State

By collectively identifying and creating transfer opportunities across sectors, and bringing private and public universities to the same table, the MiTransfer Pathways project has shown what’s possible when institutions come together voluntarily.

Expanding Local Community College Transfer Pathways

Many colleges and universities are overlooking a talented and diverse pool of students right in their own backyard.

Must-Haves for Institutions Seeking Effective Online Transfer Collaborations

How rural states are using course-sharing technology to streamline transfers and build more equitable opportunities for students.