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A Case Study in Case Studies

Brigham Young's Idaho campus plans to use Harvard Business School's famous curricular method to reform its own curriculum.

Birth Control Sticker Shock

Little noticed provision in federal law leads to costs doubling at many campus health clinics -- infuriating those who use the pill.

New Worries on Foreign Students

Analysis of visa trends suggests that renewed optimism about flow of international talent to U.S. may have been premature.

Budget Outlook for the NEH

With Democratic leadership in place, House lawmakers suggest agency that funds humanities grants could see a boost in '08.

Assessing the Spellings Commission

On summit's eve, many say panel has stimulated activity, but urge Education Dept. to focus on "national," not "federal," solutions.

Taking 'College Guide' National

Colleges have long relied on their students to serve as campus tour guides -- not only showing people around, but...