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A Gay President Says 'I Do'

Like many college leaders, Ralph Hexter opens up the presidential home each fall for a party for faculty and staff...

The Platonic Ideal of Perfection

A philosophy professor at McGill University requires a perfect score to continue class on Plato -- and students complain. Prisoners chained in a cave?

Appeals Court Upholds Military Recruiting

A last attempt by professors to fight the Solomon Amendment on academic freedom grounds is turned back.

Docking a Grade for Skirting the Rules?

Responding to student pressure, the College of Business at Illinois State keeps its business-casual requirement but lessens consequences for violations.

A Worldwide Test for Higher Education?

International group is (quietly) discussing the prospect of creating a global measure of student learning outcomes at the college level.

The World Gets a Little Flatter

New report comparing countries' educational systems suggests that U.S. dominance in higher education is continuing to ebb.

The Public (Non-Salary) Advantage

In competition for faculty talent, private higher ed wins bidding wars, but new study suggests that on key employment policies, state institutions have the edge.