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Office Hours: Coming to a Computer Near You

The days of coming in to see the professor aren't over, but some courses at traditional colleges are experimenting with virtual office hours and help in real time.

New Plan to Limit Tobacco-Funded Research

Compromise proposal emerges at U. of California, with regents' vote scheduled this week -- but critics still see potential infringements on academic freedom.

The State of Alternative Teacher Certification

Group dubious of education schools’ quality and motives says they have hijacked an important reform movement, but a research group's president disagrees.

The Business of Branching Out

Maryland college's payment of per-student fee to contractor in Taiwan raises questions about when practices unacceptable in the U.S. are permissible (or not) abroad.

Students' 'Evolving' Use of Technology

Stop the presses: Today's college students are using more technology than ever. That may not be the most surprising finding...

Courting the Younger Business School Student

Harvard and its competitors are busting the myth that the model M.B.A. applicant has worked five years after college.

Yale and Peru Reach Pact on Artifacts

Deal will transfer ownership of Machu Picchu objects, but preserve research ties. Scholars see new model for resolving disputes.