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An Encore Presidency at Scranton

The University of Scranton on Tuesday announced that the Reverend Scott R. Pilarz (right), who served as president from 2003...

Kentucky Law Permits Anti-Gay Discrimination

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has signed into law a bill that permits religious groups at public colleges and universities to...

The Journal of Interrupted Studies

The condition of a refugee scholar is a 21st-century reality, writes Scott McLemee, so one of the oldest academic presses in the world has added a new periodical to its catalog.

College Degrees for Entry-Level Jobs

A new study from the Rockefeller Foundation and Edelman Intelligence questions whether the college degree is the best way to...

College Choice: It’s Anybody’s Guess

When the time comes to decide on a college, the factors at the forefront of a teenager’s mind will continue to remain impenetrable to even the most sophisticated empirical analyses, writes Austin Lyke.

Do Pell Grants Discourage Marriage?

Republican congressman’s suggestion during hearing stuns aid experts. Many also object to his claim that students spend their federal aid on “goodies and electronics.”

Not Immune From Consolidation Talk

Two Roman Catholic universities ask if they can do a better job of serving the Miami area together.

The Pulse: The Algebra App

Inside Higher Ed’s monthly podcast features an interview with Michael Eiseman, founder of the Algebra by Hand app.