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Searching for Safe Spaces

They are easy to caricature, but examining safe spaces within the broader context of the university and the First Amendment shows that, properly constructed, they can help students pursue knowledge, write Ashutosh Bhagwat and John Inazu.

Compilation on Lifelong Learning Through Alternative Credentials

Inside Higher Ed is pleased to release today our latest print-on-demand compilation, "Lifelong Learning Through Alternative Credentials." You may download...

Indian Business Students Look to Canada

Increasing numbers of Indian students are looking to study at Canadian business schools rather than in the U.S. and the...

Presidents Call on Trump to Protect Dreamers

More than 560 college and university presidents have signed a letter urging President Trump to keep in place protections for...

Developing Media-Savvy Students

As our national political dialogue veers toward personal attack and speculation and away from meaningful and civil exchange, we should require our students to read a national newspaper and discuss its content, and then test them on it, writes Susan Siena.

Report on Role of College Search-and-Review Sites

A new report on students' college searches and social media notes the importance of search-and-review sites, where colleges are included...

USA Funds' Ties to Education Department Adviser

Taylor Hansen last week ended a brief stint advising Betsy DeVos, the U.S. secretary of education. Hansen, who formerly worked...

Academic Minute: What You're Not Telling Your Doctor

Today on the Academic Minute, Melissa Armstrong, assistant professor in the department of neurology at the University of Florida, explores...