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University Laughs at Its Location… Again

Rose-Hulman finds a new way to make applicants chuckle -- and then to think about moving to Terre Haute.

Sexuality Education for Teenagers

How do we ensure students get sexual education? In today's Academic Minute, part of American University Week, Rachel Robinson explores...

Destabilizing the Student Insurance Pool?

College health experts are worried new rules from the Trump administration will result in students, particularly graduate students, paying more for health care.

Which Discrimination Counts?

University of Iowa says it's trying to assure equal opportunity by not letting registered groups bar gay students from leadership roles. But a Christian group with legal backing says it should have just that right.

‘Straight A’s’

Authors discuss their new book on the experience of Asian American students at Harvard University.

Ink and After

Scott McLemee further explores The Mediated Mind by Susan Zieger and the impact that expanded distribution of printed material in the 19th century had on what the world felt like.

Chinese Police Break into Professor's Home Mid-Interview

Chinese police broke into the home of a retired Shandong University professor as he was giving an interview to Voice...