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When "Admissions Insider" wrote in February about the use of humor in recruiting students, several experts pointed to a poster (at left) that has become legendary at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The poster's tagline -- "Ski Terre Haute" -- is about an activity that would be very difficult in flat Indiana. Yet students and alumni love the poster.

Decades later, Rose-Hulman is going back to humor, not as the main point of its pitch to high-schoolers, but to grab them before trying to sell its engineering programs and campus experience.

This time, the cover of Rose-Hulman's mailer to high school students proclaims "A Watersports Paradise … " (above). Those who open will find the next page (at right) says, "It Is Not." Then the university does a nice segue: "On the subject of water, we plunged into underwater robotics with a team that built remotely operated vehicles -- as first year students!" And then it's on to talk academics. There are a few more water fun images, but the text is appropriate for an engineering university not known for beach life.

The full mailer may be seen here.

So far, reaction on social media has been positive. The following appeared on Instagram, along with images from the mailer cover and inside page.

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