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Academic Minute: Sexuality Education for Teenagers

Today on the Academic Minute, part of American University Week, Rachel Robinson, associate professor at the school of international service...

Japanese Medical School Allegedly Lowered Female Applicants' Scores

Tokyo Medical University reportedly lowered the entrance scores of female applicants so that women would make up under 30 percent...

Appeals Court Says Livermore Lab Retirees Are Entitled to U California Health Care

A California appeals court said this week that the University of California owes retirees who worked at the Lawrence Livermore...

A New Scandal at USC

The University of Southern California has informed federal prosecutors about questions about a donation from a politician and the hiring...

We Have Protested -- Now What?

Protesting is a way to get your voice heard. In today's Academic Minute, part of American University Week, Anna Amirkhanyan...

Shock Over a Textbook

Co-author of wellness textbook says he meant to inspire people to know their self-worth and lead healthier lives. But critics say his book implies that those who died in the Holocaust were weak and that cancer is a choice.

Silent Sam, Still Standing

University of North Carolina board says it lacks power to move controversial Confederate statue. Emails show a Chapel Hill trustee called those protesting the statue "criminals" and "entitled wimps."