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Massachusetts Pilot Will House Homeless Students

Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, on Thursday announced a series of new programs for homeless youth, and one of...

Talks Continue Between U California and Elsevier

Jan. 31 was a deadline set by the University of California System for its negotiations with Elsevier, but the talks...

Esports Health Care

Esports athletes also need medical care. In today's Academic Minute, part of New York Institute of Technology Week, Hallie Zwibel...

Racism and the American Library Association

Association is accused of trying to silence an African American librarian who complained about hostile comments directed at her during the association’s midwinter meeting.

Too Taboo for Class?

Professor is suspended for using the N-word in class. He was discussing language in a James Baldwin essay. Given the slur's potential to throw learning off course, is it ever worth using in the classroom -- if it ever was?

Approaching ‘Entropy’

Scott McLemee reviews Eric Johnson's Anxiety and the Equation: Understanding Boltzmann's Entropy.

For-Profits and Federal Revenue

Sector would get an enrollment boost if Congress were to drop a 90 percent cap on revenue from federal sources, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis.

Expectations Build for College Transparency Legislation

With Democrats in charge of the House education committee, supporters of a student-level data system hope to see progress in Congress on transparency for college outcomes.