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Under Fire for Comments on White People

U of Georgia Ph.D. candidate in philosophy says he's under investigation for his comments about race -- now that donors are involved in the debate.

Trump Administration Pulls New IG Pick

After criticism from Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, the White House reversed its pick to replace the acting inspector...

‘The Record of Everything You’ve Forgotten’?

New efforts on campus focus on ways to capture what students learn outside class -- and how to communicate it to employers.

Wisconsin Republican Objects to Professor's Description of Trump Presidency as 'Polarized'

A Republican state lawmaker in Wisconsin complained to a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison...

Ethical College Admissions: The Walking Dead(lines)

What does it mean when application deadlines keep getting moved back, asks Jim Jump.

Defending Faith-Based Higher Education

At Council of Christian Colleges and Universities, presidents of evangelical, Roman Catholic, Muslim and Jewish institutions share the stage.

When the Applicant Is the Son of an Academic

Terri Givens writes that watching her son go through the application process gives her new worries about those who don't have access to information and guidance on the process.

Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking

Jeffrey J. Nolan and Marisa Randazzo describe how colleges and universities can use threat assessment teams to promote safety in such cases.