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Policy Briefs from Key Digital Learning Support Organizations

Discussions of federal rules around digital learning and educational innovation are ongoing at the U.S. Department of Education. Some of...

Warning on Short-Term Health Insurance

The American College Health Association is cautioning institutions to avoid even indirectly promoting short-term health-care plans that it says are...

Academic Minute: Mental Health of Latinx Youth

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Swarthmore College Week, Edwin Mayorga, assistant professor of educational studies, explores helping Latinx...

Hundreds of Colleges to Get Adaptive Learning Aid

More than 200 institutions seeking support on active learning initiatives will have help over the next four years from a...

Purdue Global Nixes Student Arbitration Agreement

The Purdue University Global confirmed Tuesday that it had eliminated forced arbitration agreements for students. Purdue’s controversial plan to ban...

Policy Briefs from Key Digital Learning Support Organizations

Discussions of federal rules around digital learning and educational innovation are ongoing at the U.S. Department of Education. Some of...

New Programs: Film and Television, Cybersecurity, Health Sciences, Justice, Sustainability, Earth and Space Science, Fashion, Medical Humanities, Communications, Gaming, Health, Data Science

California Lutheran University is starting an undergraduate major in film and television. Dunwoody College of Technology is starting a two-year...

‘Students Are Using Mobile Even If You Aren’t’

Smartphones and tablets are changing how teachers teach and students learn. It's not always a smooth or simple transition.