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IT Still Old, White and Male

A survey of higher education IT staff shows little progress toward greater diversity but for the first time sheds light on the sexual orientation and disability status of workers in the sector -- with some surprising results.

STEMming the Parent Flow

Nearly half of new moms -- and nearly one-quarter of new dads -- leave full-time STEM employment upon having or adopting a child, a new study finds. What can institutions do to change this?

A Revolt at Oxford

Academics say that, in a break from centuries of tradition, central administration will control it.

Democratic Take on the Higher Education Act

Senate education committee's top Democrat, Patty Murray, says new higher ed law must take comprehensive approach and tackle college affordability.

Can Chapel Hill Take a Joke With a Point?

University removed a student's satire website on race relations -- and restored it only after faced with legal pressure.

University Coalition Adds Career Services to Completion Push

A group of 11 large research universities that collaborate on increasing low-income student degree production, dubbed the University Innovation Alliance...

$100 Million Gift to Harvard for the Arts

Harvard University on Thursday announced a $100 million gift from David E. and Stacey L. Goel for an arts research...

Anger at Tennessee Over Blackface Photo

Even amid public debate over the offensiveness of blackface images from decades ago, some students today continue to pose in...