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Virus Attack on Education Research Website

The website of the American Educational Research Association has been down since Friday. An email from the association to its...

Biden Promises Fix to Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Former vice president Joe Biden, who is seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, promised in an education plan released Tuesday...

Rethinking Campus Mental Health

If colleges focus more on connection, we may find we already have more of the resources we need to tackle many of the challenges our students face, argues Gary Glass.

Credit Where Credit Is Due

At international education conference, speakers discuss strategies for evaluating prior education qualifications for refugees or other displaced people who have incomplete or unverifiable documentation.

Sharing a Football Stadium

Two historically black colleges hope to attract more fans and perhaps more money through collaboration.

Faculty Leaders Fear Miami Dade Search Is Rigged

Faculty leaders at Miami Dade College are speaking out against plans by some trustees recently appointed by Florida governor Ron...


Microbes are a rich area of study. In today's Academic Minute, Hartwick College's Stephanie Carr discusses thinking small to find...

Retaining Gender Inequity?

A professor's department found she was paid less than men were, unfairly, for failing to go out and get other offers. A judge said that didn't matter.