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The Right to Ethnic Studies in Higher Education

Especially given the demographics, asks Alvaro Huerta, why shouldn't colleges require students to learn about others' histories, struggles and successes in this country?

The Oceans of Outer Space

Scott McLemee explores Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space by Kevin Peter Hand.

Open-Access Publishing and the Coronavirus

Some publishers are moving toward an open model, prompted by COVID-19.

Ep 1: Distributing $6.3 Billion in Emergency Aid for Students

To better understand this fast-moving story, Paul Fain, the podcast's host, interviews David Baime, senior vice president for government relations...

Ep 2: What Should a Federal Jobs Bill Do?

Roughly 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment since the crisis began, and the estimated unemployment rate stands at 12...

Ep. 3: Helping Students Avoid Problems with the ‘Asterisk Semester’

The episode features Lilah Burke, a reporter at Inside Higher Ed, who has written about this issue. And to describe...

Happiness Gap for Mothers

Why is there a happiness gap for mothers? In today's Academic Minute, part of University of the South Week, Katie...

Cal State Stands Alone

As many colleges line up to say they'll be reopening campuses, California State University is planning for most courses to be online. What makes the system different?