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Frank Assessment From a Private College

Wells College relies heavily on student fee revenue in its operating budget. Without students on campus, the college will be forced to shut its doors, its president said.

State Cuts Grow Deep

Experts had predicted states would have to cut higher education funding. The scope is becoming clearer every day.

It’s Time to Reform the Clery Act

Thirty years after passage of the landmark law, it has become a bureaucratic mess that can do little to improve campus safety, even during a pandemic, argues Edward Davis, former police commissioner of Boston.

Coronavirus News Roundup for May 15

Everything you need to know for Friday and the weekend about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity).

ACLU, Survivor Advocate Groups Sue Dept. of Education

The American Civil Liberties Union and the law firm Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP filed a lawsuit against the...

Legacies and Life Lessons

As academics continue to die from COVID-19, leaving behind shocked and heartbroken colleagues, the deaths are prompting introspection and discussions about what it means to be an educator.

Academic Minute: Impact of Maternal Stress on Offspring

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of the South Week, Katie E. McGhee, assistant professor in the department...

Liberty University Collapses Philosophy Program

Liberty University, a Christian institution in Virginia, has stopped accepting new philosophy bachelor's students after what a university spokesperson described...