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‘The Cost of Inclusion’

Author discusses his book, which says that student activities do not necessarily advance students' interests. White men gain the most, he says.

Academic Minute: Teaching the Environment

Today on the Academic Minute, Theodora Pinou, professor of biology at Western Connecticut State University, explores a way to teach...

Zoom Faces More Allegations of Censorship

Zoom declined to support virtual conferences with Leila Khaled at New York University and the University of Hawai'i at Manoa...

Berkeley Reveals Details of Eugenics Fund

The University of California, Berkeley, on Monday both revealed and renounced its long-standing Genealogical Eugenic Institute Fund, according to the...

Rider President Extended Through 2024

Rider University extended the term of its president, Gregory Dell’Omo, by two years, it announced Monday. The move means Dell’Omo...

New Programs: International Relations, Nursing, Accounting, Data Analytics, Organizational Leadership, Nonprofit Administration

Adelphi University is starting a B.A. in international relations. Mount Mary University, in Wisconsin, is starting a four-year bachelor of...

The Pandemic’s Outsized Impact on Vulnerable Students

Enrollment and tuition and fee data reinforce our anecdotal sense that students seeking community college credentials face the biggest problems, Sandy Baum writes.

Warren, Senate Democrats Urge DeVos to Hold Owners of For-Profits Financially Liable

Senator Elizabeth Warren and five other Democratic senators are urging Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to do more to hold the...