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From Pfizer to Phi Beta Kappa: Getting Campuses Vaccinated

To encourage students to get vaccines, colleges should consider paying them, write Erin Todd Bronchetti, Ellen Magenheim, Benjamin Bohman, Alfred (Quin) Seivold and Keyan Shayegan.

Donations Fuel Delaware State Acquisition Plans

Historic acquisition by an HBCU boosted by millions in gifts from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott and the Longwood Foundation.

Less Pomp, More Circumstance

Colleges have begun announcing their 2021 commencement plans. A few institutions are planning to hold in-person celebrations, but those plans are widely dependent on the state of the pandemic.

Academic Minute: Campaign Finance Reform

Today on the Academic Minute: David Primo, professor of political science and business administration at the University of Rochester, wonders...

Waiting in the Cold to Take the ACT

About 100 students showed up Saturday to take the ACT at a high school in the Bronx, N.Y. But according...
Illustration of students at desks

Merit and Equity for 4-Year College Enrollments

Without tests, it will be much harder to judge colleges' efforts at promoting equity, writes Don Hossler.

Montclair State Director Accused of Verbal Abuse

Emily Johnson, an Indigenous choreographer, has accused Jedidiah Wheeler, executive director of Montclair State University’s Office of Arts and Cultural...

Faculty Committee Sides With Accused Professor

An appeals committee of the Ohio University faculty recommended against the termination of their colleague Yusuf Kalyango, according to The...