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Academic Minute: Gender-Neutral Language

Today on the Academic Minute: Deborah Bennett, professor of liberal arts at the Berklee College of Music, explores limits of...

Let’s Finally Cap Merit Aid

No individual institution can do what we know has to be done, so we need a new federal regulation, Teege Mettille argues.

UAB Removes Late Segregationist's Name From Building

The University of Alabama at Birmingham recently removed the name of the former state governor and prominent segregationist George C. Wallace from its physical education building.

Higher Ed Associations Back NCAA on Supreme Court Case

The American Council on Education and 10 other associations representing higher education interests filed a brief to the U.S. Supreme...

‘The Battle of the Classics’

Author discusses his book on a 19th-century scholarly battle and its lessons for debates on the humanities today.

Colleges Could Lose $183 Billion During Pandemic

U.S. colleges and universities stand to lose a collective $183 billion as a result of the pandemic, according to an...

COVID-19 Aid Proposal Would Bring Democratic Policy Changes

The chairman of the House Education Committee, Representative Bobby Scott, proposed another $40 billion in coronavirus aid for colleges and...

Capital Campaign Watch: Arizona State, Indiana U of Pennsylvania, UNC Wilmington

Starting Out: University of North Carolina at Wilmington is starting a campaign to raise $100 million. To date, $86 million...