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Melissa Woo of Michigan State

Academics Fall For and Fret About Technology

Amid talk about metaversities, student success data and online well-being, attendees at Digital Universities U.S. conference express worries about the rapid emergence of generative AI.

The letters "AI" in purple, against a dark background depicting the transfer of data in many different colors.

Getting a Grip on ChatGPT

Considering what academia got wrong about Wikipedia helps to crystallize the questions we should be asking about ChatGPT and our knowledge environments, Barbara Fister and Alison J. Head write.

Whatever Happened to MIT and Harvard’s Big EdX Profit?

The two institutions debuted Axim Collaborative, a new nonprofit focused on broadening college access. The new venture offers a bold vision with scant details. 

The letters "AI" in blue against a dark, futuristic, abstract background.

Readying Students for the AI Revolution

To prepare students for coming changes in the workforce, we are recommitting to three pedagogical practices, Molly Vollman Makris, Nate Mickelson and Ryan Coughlan write.

A drawing of a human brain hovering above computer hardware.

Don’t Assume Students Are Eager AI Adopters

Faculty and administrators shouldn’t assume students are jumping on the AI bandwagon, Andrea L. Guzman writes.


Embrace AI To Boost Your Enrollment Marketing Team’s Productivity

Advantages include: automation, personalization and increased engagement.

Logo for the voice chat app Discord, which has a silhouette of a gaming device

Discord for Leaking Military Files—and Exam Questions

College students use the social media app to express themselves and connect with others. But given the platform’s problematic history, some professors offer guidance for safe use.

Rob Abel of 1EdTech Consortium: Pulse Podcast

This month’s episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Rob Abel, CEO of the 1EdTech Consortium (formerly IMS...