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Open CourseWare 2.0

How close can Stanford's computer science department get to offering world-class courses for free?

The Problem Solvers

What, if anything, can a former hedge fund analyst and his motley crew of Silicon Valley number-crunchers teach higher education?

Hype and Hope at Labor College

Ambitious online partnership between National Labor College and the Princeton Review ends, but big investment from the education company may help keep college viable.

Dropping F-Bombs

Two staffers at Oberlin, working off hours, created website promoting their alma mater. Every line features a word most colleges would never use in their marketing.

A Controversial Investment

$10 million investment by U. of Texas in technology company with ties to a former chancellor and scant evidence of impact on graduation rates has raised eyebrows.

Far From Honorable

Researchers at Ohio University suggest that honor codes are not as effective for deterring cheating in fully online courses.

Myths of Online Education

At Educause, learning technology experts challenge some of the critiques they hear.

Opener Than Thou?

In wake of Pearson's unveiling of a free LMS, Blackboard announces moves to promote sharing of open course content.