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Going Meta on the Data

You leave digital footprints when you do research. Scott McLemee listens to the librarians who follow them.

A New Online Associate Degree

Funded by Gates Foundation, MyCollege Foundation and Mount St. Mary's College launch Portmont College, a new blended model for earning an associate degree.

Academic Minute: Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security

In today’s Academic Minute, Amy Sliva of Northeastern University explains how advances in computing power are allowing for an artificially...

Outsourcing Privacy

Microsoft's new standard agreement for higher education clients would address privacy compliance by designating the company a "school official."

Startup University's Phantom Faculty

Newly launched Cambridge Graduate University has an impressive list of faculty members. Too bad many of them have never heard of it.

Pearson Doubles Down Online

With purchase of EmbanetCompass, company seeks to expand its existing services helping colleges take their academic programs into cyberspace.

Texas MOOCs for Credit?

U. of Texas System wants to use its edX partnership to aid its goals of reducing costs and increasing completion. That will mean awarding credit, under certain conditions, for MOOCs.

Blackboard's New Bag

As part of the company's gradual reinvention as a provider of agnostic support and consulting, Blackboard -- joining a market place crowded with competitors -- offers to help colleges reinvent themselves online.