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Being Present

Bob Samuels presents a case against distance education, which he says is trying to replicate large lecture classes rather than the best of academe.

Digital Learning, for the Learners

12 scholars and experts on technology and education propose a "bill of rights" for those who study online -- a first draft, they quickly emphasize.

MOOCs for Credit

Georgia State will evaluate courses much like it reviews other work done by students before they enroll. Academic Partnerships, which helps universities put degree programs online, will work with institutions to make first course in each degree a MOOC.

Transformation From Within

College leaders need to get involved in the disruption debate and do more to help adult students, finds a "mainfesto" issued on the American Council on Education's letterhead.

As California Goes?

State's governor looks to MOOCs for help in entry-level courses at public institutions. San Jose State takes the plunge while community colleges mull a different path.

Udacity's Credit Path

ACE considers credit recommendations for a batch of Udacity courses.

Academe Is Complicit

In the wake of Aaron Swartz's death, Timothy Burke asks why so many scholars have failed to consider the ethical arguments for open access -- or to act on them.

iPad U.

As another step in the overhaul of its core curriculum, Lynn University will require every first-year student to purchase an iPad mini, and will use iTunes U as a content delivery method for those courses.