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Open-Source MOOCs

MOOC provider edX finds a powerful partner in Google for its new platform, Open edX.

3 Must-Knows on Distance Ed

Remember that distance education isn't a singular thing, and that many of the key debates also apply to traditional instruction, writes Joel Shapiro.

The Great MOOC Experiment

Before jumping to conclusions or buying all the hype, it's important to remember that most technological advances involve considerable trial and error, writes Gary S. May.

Defining Gender Categories

American Sociological Association tries to figure out the gender choices members should get to categorize themselves -- and the process is far from simple.

Flipping Med Ed

Stanford University and the Khan Academy present a road map to change medical education -- and to bring students back to lecture halls.

Device Explosion

Smartphones, laptops, tablets -- students are bringing more and more wirelessly connected devices to college, causing major headaches for college and university CIOs.

The Pulse: David Small, Mobile Evangelist

This month's edition of The Pulse podcast features an interview with David Small, mobile evangelist at Blackboard Mobile.

Masculine Open Online Courses

More female professors are experimenting with MOOCs, but men and STEM classes still dominate course offerings.