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Benefits of Teaching Online

Teaching online can be reinvigorating for faculty members and their careers, writes Audrey Heinesen, who encourages more professors to take the leap.

Helpful or a Hindrance?

Georgia Tech official describes Udacity partnership on Capitol Hill, provoking back-and-forth about whether accreditation encourages or deters innovation.

Vice Provost of Experimentation

Following Stanford and MIT, Harvard University appoints its first vice provost for advances in learning.

Beyond the Skepticism

It's appropriate to be cautious about the way MOOCs and other innovations are changing higher education, but efforts are moving ahead to measure and assure their quality, writes Molly Corbett Broad.

'If You Want to Be My Student'

A Columbia professor got very detailed on his website about what he expects of his graduate students. Some praise his clarity, but others have been taken aback by his strict rules.

The Full Report on Udacity Experiment

San Jose State's study of its work using MOOCs to teach some course points to many problems not mentioned in last month's optimistic update.

Personalized College Degrees

The capability already exists to deliver "smart" content that adapts to help individual students learn best -- but all the technology tools won't work without significant faculty involvement, write John Cavanaugh.

Workday Enters SIS Market

Human resource and finance software provider Workday will next year introduce a cloud-based student information system to challenge legacy software providers.