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Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.

The Pulse: iTunes U. and Dr. Fus

This month's edition of our monthly technology podcast features an interview with Ohio State University's Matthew W. Stoltzfus, whose chemistry course enrolled 100,000 on iTunes U.

iTunes U.

The iPad-embracing Lynn University will drop its current learning management system, Blackboard Learn, in favor of Apple's iTunes U.

Go Easy on MOOCs

President Obama's science and technology council recommends the federal government and regional accreditors get out of the way for MOOCs.

Fireable Tweets

Months after a professor's comments on Twitter set off a controversy, Kansas Board of Regents adopts policy on when professors and other employees can be fired for "improper use of social media."

Scaling Back in San Jose

University will offer a new round of the courses it created with Udacity -- but this time as regular college classes.

Law School Hybrid

William Mitchell College of Law receives a rare approval from the American Bar Association to experiment with online education.

Change Is Coming

Current business models and out-of-date curricular and teaching models need to be reformed for higher education to fulfill its crucial roles, writes Dan Greenstein.