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Let's Make a Deal

As the ed-tech investment community gathers at the Education Innovation Summit for a fifth year, some attendees are growing impatient about the lack of results.

Cultivating Collaboration

The liberal arts college consulting group NITLE announces a free toolkit for institutions that want to team up to tackle common challenges.

Stand Up and Be Counted

Maryland fires off letters to large and small distance education providers alike in an attempt to find out who's teaching students in the state. Is this quality control or protectionism?

The Flipped Classroom

"The Flipped Classroom" is a collection of Inside Higher Ed articles and essays about changing the instructional paradigm by having...

Proactive on Prior Learning

Florida International University prepares a prior learning assessment pilot in anticipation of granting credit for massive open online courses.

CIO Succession Planning

With a wave of retirements approaching, higher education needs to consider how to prepare the next generation of technology leaders, write Jerome P. DeSanto and Robyn L. Dickinson.

Prospects on Paper

Broward College, in the middle of revamping its recruitment process, finds paper prospect cards still matter.

The Pulse Podcast: Charley Miller of TouchCast

This month's edition of The Pulse podcast features an interview with Charley Miller, head of product at TouchCast, a new...