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Making Better Ed-Tech Buying Decisions

Jefferson Education Accelerator has regrouped, but stays focused on idea that colleges need more information to decide on which technologies to use.

Time to Change the Narrative of Online Education

Christopher Haynes says the story of online learning has often been about disruption, suspicion and distance, but the reality is passion, experimentation and exploration.

Challenging the ‘Productivity Paradox’

Study finds that technology spending spurs gains in colleges’ outputs -- but they vary depending on the institution.

Trial and Error: Small Victories and Big Questions for Blended Learning

Associated Colleges of the South has worked to expand its commitment to blended and hybrid learning. Results have been mixed, as costs haven't gone down and faculty skepticism hasn't evaporated.

National University's Ambitious Personalized Learning Experiment

The California nonprofit is spending $20 million to create a platform blending several emergent innovations. Experts see promise but challenges, too.

‘There’s No Easy Answer’

A scholarly report states students may not comprehend complex text in a digital format as well as in print. Other educators argue both formats have value.

OER Disrupting Textbook Marketplace

Denise Wydra says New York state’s pursuit of free and inexpensive course materials is changing the traditional textbook landscape in fundamental ways.

Using Digital Storytelling to Transform Learning

Three University of Minnesota staff members write that by employing multimedia and expert sources, students consider issues from multiple viewpoints and better analyze problems and potential solutions.