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The Next Yik Yak?

Islands app gains traction as it expands base of colleges. Its founder says he learned from the controversial (and defunct) Yik Yak, but the new app gives users ability to post anonymously -- a trait many believe was at the root of why Yik Yak caused so many problems on campuses.

The Accreditation Race

Arkansas’s new public online university chooses national accreditor over its regional agency, raising questions about pace, prestige and the state of quality assurance.

The Sky Is Not Falling (Yet)

Online student enrollment at nonprofit universities is still growing and shows no immediate signs of dramatically tapering off -- but the days of explosive increases appear to be over.

Going Online When Disaster Strikes

Texas colleges devastated by Hurricane Harvey are moving face-to-face courses online. Institutions in other disaster-prone states share their digital strategies.

Making History Cool

Digital humanities pioneer Ed Ayers forges on with multiple projects, including an update to his acclaimed Valley of the Shadow project.

Re-Coding Literacy

In her book, an English professor argues that programming is changing what it means to be literate (and that it shouldn't just be taught in CS departments).

How to Provide Meaningful Feedback Online

Salena Rabidoux and Amy Rottmann offer these tips for how to respond to students to improve success and build comradery among online learners.

Got a New Job? Let Us Know

“Inside Digital Learning” will be publishing job changes for faculty members, administrators and staff who work on online courses as...