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Enough With the Laptop Ban Debate!

Amid the latest online brouhaha over use of devices in the classroom, educators say it’s time to focus on helping students however they need it -- laptop or no laptop.

Online Learning Consortium Honors Innovations

Three institutions earned the Online Learning Consortium's annual Digital Learning Innovation prize.

Best Practices for Teaching Online

Dozens of professors and others at one university share their ideas and examples for online learning across disciplines in a new book.

Universities May Band Together to Share Product Accessibility Reviews

As reported by Inside Higher Ed, failure to provide accessible technologies for learners with disabilities can have serious consequences for...

Driving Digital Learning at Community Colleges

Two-year-college administrators say student retention is their top goal, and are likelier than their university peers to have taken an online course themselves, survey finds.

Net Neutrality Rollback Concerns Colleges

The creation of internet fast lanes could come at a high cost to higher education, experts on technology and learning warn.

Getting Personal About Cybersecurity

One institution shares how it put its students at the center of a cybersecurity-awareness campaign.

Survey: Instructors Support Digital Technologies, but Many Institutions Lack Implementation Plans

That's one of the main takeaways from a newly released survey of chief academic officers. Another big one: OER will be major source of content for courses within five years.