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Textbook Rentals: Symptom, Not Cause

The runaway cost of instructional materials is a worry, but it's not even close to the biggest problem for students, writes Jason Katzman.

U.S. Plans Competition on 'Reimagining' Higher Edx

It's hard to tell exactly what the Trump administration's U.S. Education Department has planned when it comes to encouraging innovation...

WCET Set to Absorb National University Technology Network

As of Aug. 31, the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies will take over operation of the National University Technology Network.

U.S. Plans Competition on 'Reimagining' Higher Edx

It's hard to tell exactly what the Trump administration's U.S. Education Department has planned when it comes to encouraging innovation...

WCET Set to Absorb National University Technology Network

As of Aug. 31, the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies will take over operation of the National University Technology Network.

EdX Partners Support Fees for Online Courses

MOOC provider consulted some but not all partner institutions before introducing fees for online courses. Most institutions support the move, but some wonder if it will be effective.

At SOLA+R, Anxiety and Anticipation of Online Growth

Highlights from conference on online leadership illustrate diverse priorities and challenges for institutions trying to expand their online initiatives.

Trial and Error: Students and Alumni Lead OER Factory

Professors at California community college submit requests for OER materials to a team of students and recent graduates, who set to work on curation.