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Trial and Error: Flipping the Flipped-Classroom Model

Instructors want their 750-student anatomy course to be more personal and engaging. Experiments include facilitating active learning in an online context.

Alternative Credentials as Institutional ‘Imperative’

Report from international group focused on open education asserts that institutions that don't embrace digital certifications will be increasingly irrelevant.

Helping Students Develop Competencies, Teachers Hone Their Own

In competency-based formats, instructors adjust to interacting regularly with students, directing students toward clear learning outcomes and other departures from their traditional practices.

Amazon Plots Cloud Computing Program With New York Colleges

LaGuardia Community College, the City University of New York System and the State University of New York System will this...

Digital Learning in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

Among the topics: lawsuit over inclusive access; academic fraud in online courses; high-impact practices for student success.

An Online Tax for Rural Students

High tuition fees for distance education courses are keeping some community colleges in Colorado afloat. But should rural students pay the price?

Digital Learning in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

Among the topics: competency-based education spreads slowly; Gates encourages cross-institutional collaboration; OER as survival strategy.

A View of Higher Ed Innovation After 8 Years in Government

A Q&A with David Soo -- whose work on educational innovation spanned the Obama and Trump Education Departments -- about spurring change in higher ed and differences between the two administrations.