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Extending the Conversation on Online Course Length

Our coverage of flexible lengths for online courses prompted lots of online discussion. Here's another look at related topics, including challenges for instructors and the value of winter sessions.

Too Little Help for Professors Teaching Online

Survey of public college provosts finds many forms of training and support for those who teach online is lacking, even as institutions' expectations grow.

A New Way to Motivate Faculty Adoption of OER

To drive professors’ embrace of open educational resources, college leaders should offer incentives -- a share of the financial savings -- to academic departments, teaching centers and libraries, Chuck Staben suggests.

Digital Learning in ‘Inside Higher Ed’ This Week

The following developments drew coverage in Inside Higher Ed this week: A new survey about the challenges facing community college...

Education Department Downshifts on Innovation Rule Changes

Under new proposals, the department would defer authority over innovation to accreditors less than it previously suggested.

A Budget-Conscious Pathway for International Students

The online education provider StraighterLine is partnering with three U.S. colleges to offer an alternative way for international students to study at American colleges.

High-Impact Practices for Student Success

"High-Impact Practices for Student Success" is a new compilation of topical and timely articles from Inside Higher Ed. A free...

California's Online Community College Chooses Its Leader

Heather Hiles, an entrepreneur and Gates Foundation alum, will lead the new institution, launching this fall with competency-based certificate programs for the state's adults.