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Open Access and Academic Freedom

The movement to make scholarly work more accessible has created major benefits, but mandating open access -- and Creative Commons licensing -- restricts authors’ ability to say how, where and by whom their work will be reused, writes Rick Anderson.

Study Cycle

Coming soon to your campus library? Reading desks where you can bike while studying.

Library Bound

Hamilton College's library and Information Technology Services, longtime cohabitants on campus, tied the knot in 2013. Why is that model, rare at large institutions, appealing to smaller ones?

Preventing Another #ProQuestGate

Renaissance Society of America seeks to avoid a repeat of last week's controversy with a new deal that guarantees members access to a database many feared they would lose.

'I've Got a Hunch'

Members of the Association of Research Libraries pitch ideas about the future of the field during the "first inaugural 'hunchery.'" Holograms ensue.

Patience and Fortitude

Three years ago, the New York Public Library almost succumbed to a dubious renovation plan. Scott McLemee reports on a book about what happened next.

'Simple and Seamless' or 'Significant Obstacle'?

A coalition of academic, library and technology associations criticizes Elsevier's new sharing and hosting policy, saying it undermines open-access initiatives.

It Takes a University to Build a Library

The world of libraries is changing rapidly, and those who lead them need to realize that they need the expertise of others on campus, writes Dane Ward.