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Cautions on E-books

Daniel Goldstein warns that some of the contracts colleges are accepting may limit access in key ways.

Journals and Money at Risk

A global subscription company that served as intermediary between college libraries and journal publishers has declared bankruptcy. Libraries face financial losses and time-consuming process to assure journal access.

Clash in the Stacks

Library directors at liberal arts institutions are losing their jobs as they clash with faculty and administrators over the future of the academic library.

Recommended Resting

Wake Forest University encourages students to de-stress by taking quick naps in its library. It's one of many ways colleges are trying to reduce the anxiety felt by their students.

The Use of Fair Use

At a U.S. House hearing, representatives for publishers and colleges argue over whether federal government should get involved in determining how institutions can use copyrighted works.

Like an Open Book

Adobe patches a security vulnerability in its ereader software, but some users still regard the data Digital Editions collects about them with suspicion.

A 'Partial Win' for Publishers

Federal appeals court rejects a "one-size-fits-all" rule for determining fair use, but proponents see a broader endorsement of the legal concept in higher education.

Can the Monograph Survive?

Professors and librarians consider the advantages of digital, the reluctance of many tenure committees to look beyond print, and the possibility of paying the costs of publishing works by young scholars.