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Gates, MOOCs and Remediation

The Gates Foundation is ponying up to learn if MOOCs could work for remedial students, a departure from the current slate of MOOCs. Developmental education experts say the idea could work, but others remain skeptical.

MOOCs' Missing Pieces

Before these massive online courses truly transform higher education, they need to focus on some key teaching issues, writes Gary S. May.

MOOCs' Contradictions

Universities are going to have difficulty if they continue to claim the content of the new courses is of the same caliber as traditional courses, and yet decline to award full credit, writes David Touve.

Newt and a MOOC

Newt Gingrich teaches Newt U. from GOP convention, and the classes are streamed online by KAPx, a new MOOC platform from Kaplan.

Elitism, Equality and MOOCs

Euphoria about massive online courses aside, they aren't the answer to improving access to higher education for low-income students, writes Ryan Craig.